
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Suspendisse diam libero, maximus sit

euism I'm Sokmontrey, risus. Cras

purus. a math enthusiast Cras metus

ut, rhoncus who's discovering quis

felis, Computer Science, vel egestas

viverra lorem Machine Learning,

Mauris vel and Art. turpis,

rutrum purus. Aliquam euismod

Maecenas dignissim suscipit


Figure 1.1: A tree?

ii. Projects


A web app for hiding image/text directly inside another image.

Dog Cat Bird

A simple deep learning project focusing on optimizing PyTorch code to perform better with GPU. It is also an exploration with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) achitecture, specifically ResNet


A 2D mass aggregated physic engine written in TypeScript with React.


An 8 bit computer design and build from scratch on breadboards.

Image to ascii

A simple web app that converts image into ascii art. (replacing pixels with corresponding ascii character for brightness)

Nodeflow CPP

A simple and highly extensible Computational graph library written in C++ with the support of auto diff.

iii. Experiences

  • GBC Mobihelp

    [Sep 2024 - Now]

    (On-campus Tutor.)

    ~30h of one-to-one tutoring, helping student with their questions and concern about the program.

  • Code Ninja

    [Feb 2024 - Sep 2024]

    (Coding Instructor.)

    Help students with their game development projects in Unity.


    [Jul 2023 - Aug 2023]

    (FIRST Robotic Camp Counselor.)

    Organized teaching materials and guided students in building/programming LEGO Spike Prime robotic kits.

iv. Extra Curriculars

  • IEEExtreme 18


    (competitive programming.)

    Participated in a global competitive programming competition, achieving 19th place in Canada.

  • GMTK Game Jam


    (game development.)

    Built a retro-style, object-scaling, platforming puzzle game in Unity within 3 days for the game jam.

  • Skills Ontario Competition (Programming Scope)



    Represented George Brown College to program a .NET CLI application under 6 hours, achieving 4th place overall in the provincial competition.

  • FIRST Robotic Competition (Mentoring)



    Advised the FIRST Robotic team CyberSquad 6977 on electrical and programming aspects.